What drives you, in good times and bad? By Mike Radlovic

When things are going well and your energy is high, it is easy to maintain focus. It may appear to you that only time stands in the way of realizing your goals. The real test starts when thingsIt then becomes very important to remind yourself what is driving youto your destination. Discouragement can come quickly. If you are not ready to overcome early obstacles you might quit before your time has come.

Here are some ideas for looking at the situation from new angles and with fresh eyes.

Find a mentor or teacher
It is common for someone who wants to get into better physical shape to hire a trainer to speed up results. By leveraging the experience of someone who has been there before you can speed past common might not have noticed before.

Leave your comfort zone
The difference between the routine and the creative is huge. With routine your comfort zone becomes almost a barrier to personal growth. When something creative becomes necessary, fear can move into the vacuum. Paralysis sets in. Next time embrace the new and scary. Believe you will experience something new and valuable in your quest.

Visualize your path
Goals are not achieved through magic. The ability to see ahead, the vision thing, is not common. Whatever it is you are searching for – whether money, fame, health or security – will have a price tag attached.

The problem is that you never see the cost until you are already in too deep. It will be hidden by competition, setbacks and detours. Develop the ability to see past these temporary circumstances and keep your mind focused on where you need to go. Achieving your desires is not for the faint of heart.

Educate yourself
Constant learning is a hallmark of great leaders. Today with the internet and web a whole world of education is available at your fingertips. You can literally start right now and fill gaps in your education in an area you had not thought of previously. You can discover things from others’ mistakes and avoid common problems.

Work hard
I am assuming you have done your homework and whatever it is you are working at is something you love or enjoy. As Dale Carnegie taught, we must
“live in day-tight capsules,” because we can only go as fast as one day at a time. Get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy diet. When you are not sick or tired and you are operating near 100 percent, then you have the best chance to be your best self. You can look at yourself and say at the end of the day “I did all I could today to make my dream happen.”

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on living successfully.

Mike Radlovic is Senior Vice President/ Business Sales-M&A at Coldwell Banker Commercial. He can be reached at [email protected].



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